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About Us

The Regional Application Center offers access to GIS and remote sensing technologies to students and the public through education, outreach, and emergency response imaging. This includes the ability to receive, manipulate, and disseminate satellite and other geospatial data efficiently and affordably in almost real-time for the development of Earth resource applications.

RAC serves as the lead university for LouisianaView. Established in 2002, LouisianaView is a member of the AmericaView Consortium. The AmericaView Consortium is a nationally coordinated network of academic, agency, non-profit, and industry partners and cooperators that share the vision of promoting and supporting remote sensing data and technology within each state. Visit

Our latest funding grant, from the National Science Foundation, is designed to foster interest in earth and energy sciences and geographic information systems technology and includes the creation of a bridge program for high school students. University faculty members and students will lead service-learning projects in area school districts. The bridge program is intended to spur interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, or STEM, careers. Read more 

Services and research provided include:

  • LIDAR and Remote Sensing / UAV Coordination
  • Watershed Delineation/ Land Cover Change Detection
  • Continuing Education in GIS and RS and related disciplines
  • Local Government Assistance / Emergency Response
  • Imagery archive development and assistance
  • University Geographic Information System / Remote Sensing Curriculum Development and Teaching
  • Support Louisiana National Guard Geospatial Center
  • United States Geological Survey Coastal Programs

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