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The Regional Application Center is partnered with several organizations to help further the research and data collection across the country. 

Community Partners

  • UL Lafayette Regional Application Center
  • Louisiana Army National Guard – GeoSpatial Center
  • USGS Louisiana Mapping Partnership Office
  • USGS National Wetlands Research Center
  • Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality
  • Corp of Engineers – New Orleans District
  • Louisiana State University
  • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service–Louisiana
  • Louisiana Dept of Agriculture
  • Louisiana State GIS Council
  • Louisiana GOHSEP GeoSpatial Data Division

Contributing Partners

  • Barnel’s Framing
  • Fenstermaker 
  • Pixus Digital Printing

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

We have all seen the world around us change in one way or another: cities and towns growing, forests and fields retreating, rivers and coastlines shifting. Our experiences of living and working where we do give us a very personal sense of how our local landscape has evolved. But to get a clearer and more comprehensive view of the changes going on around us, you would need to observe your local area from high above the ground and for a very long time. That is exactly what NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey have been doing for nearly 40 years with the Landsat program.

Simply put, Landsat has changed the way we view our world. The Landsat program has created the longest continuous global record of the Earth's surface as seen in space. The images are a critical ingredient in decision making for agriculture, climate research, disaster mitigation, ecosystems, forestry, human health, water management, and more. The images produced have also been used in the Earth as Art program. This collection of images celebrate Earth's aesthetic beauty in the patterns, shapes, colors, and textures of the land, oceans, ice, and atmosphere.

U.S. Geological Survey

Working with the USGS, we offer two exclusive workshops for UL students interested in environmental science.  The courses are a mix of lectures, discussions, and hands-on exercises that emphasize the use of manual and cognitive interpretation skills of aerial imagery in assessing and mapping wetland vegetation from species level to broad vegetative level classifications. For more information on the workshops, visit our workshop sections.
The USGS is a science organization that provides impartial information on:

  • The health of our ecosystems and environment
  • The natural hazards that threaten us,
  • The natural resources we rely on,
  • The impacts of climate and land-use change,
  • And the core science systems that help us provide timely, relevant, and useable information.

Learn more about USGS. The Wetlands and Aquatic Research Center, located in the university’s research park, is a branch of USGS that works to provide information to the Nation’s environmental and water managers. Learn more about WARC.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

We offer a structured interdisciplinary certificate program in Geographical Information Science (GIS).  It is built on GIS and Remote Sensing coursework currently taught and new courses propped at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Students who earn the Certificate will exit the program with standardized skill sets based on “Learning Outcomes” associated with each required course. The program will provide its students with the training and experience necessary to compete and work in the GIS arena in both the public and private sectors. Learn more about our certification program.


AmericaView (AV) is a nationwide partnership of remote sensing scientists who support the use of Landsat and other public domains remotely sensed satellite data through applied remote sensing research, K-12 and higher STEM education, workforce development, and technology transfer. Funded by a grant from the U.S. Geological Survey, the AmericaView consortium is comprised of university-led, state-based consortia working together to sustain a network of state and local remote sensing scientists, educators, analysts, and technicians.

LouisianaView is part of that partnership. It strives to strengthen a Louisiana consortium of data users and actively build an archive of multi-sensor satellite imagery while keeping a user-friendly dissemination mechanism. The coordinator for LouisianaView is also the director of the RAC, Brent Yantis.

Visit AmericaView's website for more information

International Charter

The International Charter aims at providing a unified system of space data acquisition and delivery to those affected by natural or man-made disasters through Authorized Users. Each agency member has committed resources to support the provisions of the Charter and thus is helping to mitigate the effects of disasters on human life and property. The RAC is the program manager for the state and hosts annual workshops to better prepare us for natural disasters.

Please contact us for more information.

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