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The RAC offers a variety of courses to those who wish to be certified in GIS. A minimum of 13 (maximum 15), 455G or above level credit hours plus a Capstone Seminar is required to complete the GIS Certificate. Please see the university catalog for more informtion. The courses include:

ENVS 455G Geographic information Science I

GIS theory and methodology as applied to environmental problem-solving, practical GIS software skills, and basic scientific computing skills, map development, intro to database development and basic photo interpretation.


ENVS 464G Geographic Information Science II

Emphasis on practical problem-solving utilizing HIS application, advanced GIS software skills, and basic scientific computing for addressing natural disaster and emergency response issues.


ENVS 473G. Remote Sensing in GIS

Emphasis on practical Remote Sensing application. Introduces Remote Sensing and analysis based on aerial photography and satellite imagery, applying this technology for analyzing spatial-related issues, in a variety of sciences and fields of study. Offering introductory RS software skills, and basic scientific image interpretation and principles of Photogrammetry.


ENVS 487G Advanced GIS Analysis Applications

Advanced course in GIS and Remote Sensing application. GIS is used as a tool for analyzing spatial-related issues, in a variety of sciences, fields of study and disciplines.


ENVS 494G GIS Capstone Seminar (Independent Study)

Practical application of GIS technology to address a spatial issues more effectively within the student's chosen field of study.

For more information, please contact us.


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