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The Geographical Information Science Certificate Program is a structured interdisciplinary Certificate Program offered through the Regional Application Center. It is built on GIS and Remote Sensing coursework currently taught and new courses proposed at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Students who earn the Certificate will exit the program with standardized skill sets based on “Learning Outcomes” associated with each required course. This program will provide its students with the training and experience necessary to compete and work in the GIS arena in both public and private sectors.

Admission Criteria

Current students taking or who have taken the initial GIS courses will receive priority admission to the Certificate Program. Students will qualify for admission to the certificate by maintaining good standing in a cooperating department and completing an application specific to the GIS Certificate. Perspective students must complete the prerequisites listed for the Level One Required course, or pass a proficiency test.

Testing Out

You can test out of the Level One courses if you can:

  • Show proof of taking a GIS course through a University or Community College in the last two years and,
  • Pass a written exam and a hands-on computer test with a score of 90 percent or higher

GIS Certification Program Information

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