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LouisianaView Annual Reports


Collaboration with Louisiana Sea Grant

Louisiana Sea Grant, RAC, and LouisianaView collaborated to establish the Coastal Community Resilience Studio, aimed at rejuvenating declining coastal communities in Louisiana. The Louisiana Sea Grant provided funding and support to enable students in the studio to enhance conditions in various regions of the state. These organizations partnered with the Louisiana Sea Grant due to their shared mission of promoting environmental stewardship, responsible utilization of America’s coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes resources, and long-term economic development.

The students of the Resilience Studio worked in Pecan Island, a coastal community in decline due to natural disasters and the closing of their only school. They designed and proposed projects to help revitalize this community and give them hope again. Learn more about the Coastal Community Resilience Studio.

Coastal Community Resilience Studio

The Coastal Community Resilience Studio was a collaborative effort between researchers, faculty, and students from across the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The School of Architecture and Design (SOAD); School of Geosciences; Department of Sociology; Anthropology, & Child and Family Studies; the Institute for Coastal Ecology and Engineering; and the Regional Application Center all contribute to the productivity of the group. The Resilience Studio addresses the complexities of restoration and preservation along the Louisiana coast. Since the summer of 2012, the program has been creating a new framework that is transdisciplinary and systems-oriented to link disturbances, land use transformations, and climate change to natural processes and human system adaptation, with special emphasis on the Chenier Plain in southern Louisiana.

Working through a trans-disciplinary approach, the Resilience Studio was a collaboration of the Institute for Coastal Ecology and Engineering (ICEE); the School of Architecture and Design; the School of Geosciences; the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Child & Family Studies; the Department of Civil Engineering; and the UL Lafayette Regional Application Center.

Story Maps

The Swamp Land of Black Gold and Ancient Giants

Philip Vanbergen, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

ENVS: 487

“Growing” A Future

Atchafalaya & Wax Lake Deltas

Jacob Chicola, University of Louisiana at Lafayette


The Earth as Art Tutorial

Satellites orbiting the Earth capture an incredible variety of views or images of the Earth’s surface. Many of these satellite images are simply intriguing to view because of the mesmerizing beauty of river deltas, mountains, and other landscapes within the images. Some images may even remind you of actual famous works of art!

This tutorial is divided into three instructional sessions, each focusing on a stage of the Earth as Art development process. Both Art/Color and Image Format are covered within this first session. Topics in the second session include Image Download, Image Manipulation, and Image Format – Ready to Print. The third session comprises Guidelines for Printing, Material Sources, Product Development, and Gallery Exhibit Planning.

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Rising Waters Workshop for High School Students


In partnership with LouisianaView, the RAC (Regional Application Center) hosted a workshop for high school students interested in pursuing a career in Earth Science. Our faculty members, undergraduates, and graduate students worked all week to cultivate curiosity about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) professions, particularly science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Its topics include coastal subsidence, marsh erosion, and coastline retreat, as well as flooding caused by tropical storm surges, heavy rainfall, and sea level rise that affect Louisiana and the Gulf Coast. Additionally, these issues are discussed on a human level in the program. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to enhance their investigative and communication skills. They will be able to disseminate information about how to address these issues to their communities by participating in this program. During the 5-day workshop, participants could fly the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) AEROKAT kites and drones and test other instruments.

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Hurricane Season Geospatial Data Mining Workshop

Through the cooperation of the LouisianaView consortium members and co-sponsored with the local USGS liaison, this annual workshop is offered free to everyone interested in up-to-date information on data availability for the geospatial emergency responder. The 4-day virtual workshop hosts speakers from multiple Federal, State, and Private Response Teams. Each team presents their data, websites, links, and contacts while also fielding questions live from those in attendance. The workshop proves what a cohesive and informed network of geospatial responders can mean to the inhabitants and economic base within Louisiana, the Gulf of Mexico region, and the Caribbean.

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