Regional Application Center
The University of Louisiana at Lafayette's Regional Application Center, established in 1997, collects and distributes satellite and remote sensing imagery. This information is made available to the public, military, government agencies, and other research centers. Our research and data are crucial in emergency response, coastal restoration, transportation, industry, and agriculture. We also provide workshops, certifications, academic courses, and a traveling exhibit called Earth as Art, which displays the stunning beauty of our planet.
Learn more about us and our work in education and research.
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If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
View LouisianaView website
The LouisianaView program is led by the RAC and is part of the AmericaView network. This network brings together academic, agency, non-profit, and industry partners to promote the use of remote sensing data and technology across various states.

The LouisianaView program was established in 2002 with the aim of creating a consortium within the state that promotes the use of remotely sensed and GIS data. The consortium has been instrumental in facilitating research, data dissemination, education, outreach, and technology transfer, leveraging federal and private investment in remote sensing instruments.
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Did You Know?
According to AmericaView, the thought of observing the Earth began when astronauts brought back photos with handheld cameras. The curiosity about the Earth from space was the beginning of the Landsat Program. The Landsat 1 satellite was launched on July 23, 1972, to observe the Earth's natural resources and landmasses.